Dialogue I. Performance as Archive: The Living Body
Speaker:Melati SURYODARMO
Speaker:Xavier LE ROY
Moderator:Özge ERSOY
13/9 [Wed]
Kino, 1/F Eaton HK
Dialogue II. Preserving Movement
Speaker:Yuri NG
Speaker:CHIU Chih-hua
Moderator:Elysa WENDI
13/9 [Wed]
Terrible Baby, 4/F Eaton HK
Dialogue III. Archaeological Body and Alternative Media: Critical Historiography of Hong Kong and Korea Experimental Moving Image in the 1960s and 1970s
Speaker:Emilie CHOI Sin-yi
Speaker:CHO Inhan
Moderator:Elysa WENDI
14/9 [Thu]
Kino, 1/F Eaton HK
Extended Dialogue – Gestures of Archival Impulse: Presence, Virtuality, and Reenactment
Speaker:SHEN Jun, LEE Kai-chung
Moderator:DONG Yan
23/9 [Sat]
Tomorrow Maybe, 4/F Eaton HK
Each dialogue is approximately 1 hour
Free Admission. Pre-registration at CCDC website.