Toward Zero
Toward Zero
Japan/ 2021/ 72mins/ Japanese/ English subtitles/ Hong Kong Premiere
The first feature film of Takashi Ito, one of the leading experimental filmmakers in Japan, starring Butoh master Nobuo Harada. At the beginning, Harada plays himself, as does another actress, Mizuki Kubo. They then reappeared as fictional characters while a series of absurd stories followed. Two students shooting a film gradually become obsessed with death and violence, an old man loves peeping haunted by visions of women and a woman wandering around with a man’s wrist in her bag, presenting an unrealistic world as a vivid reality and creating a strange space peculiar to the media, the stories intertwine and keep us disoriented in the almost real world.

Not suitable for children

Package Information
Package includes one performance and three film screenings. Ticket Price HKD500.
1. Expanded Space: Product of Other Circumstances(2009)
2. Sandlines
3. The Five Obstructions
4. Toward Zero
East Asian Experimental Competition - Terayama Shuji Prize, ‘Image Forum Festival’ 2021 (Japan)