Ferdinand Knapp
Ferdinand Knapp
France / 2014 / 16mins / French / Chinese & English subtitles
Ferdinand Knapp is the pre-eminent actor in French theatre, revered by all. While preparing for a new play, the lines between his character’s malevolent personality and his own begin to blur until reality warps into a nightmare, compelling him to commit an irredeemable act.
The work is freely inspired by the astronautic-cathodic vicissitudes of the great mining engineer of the mental system, Oreste Fernando Nannetti, who died at Volterra Psychiatric Hospital in 1994. But still he endures, like a shadow beneath the cosmos.
Stylish experimental drama selected in Venice
Best Film & Best Actor in the Video Maker Naples Film Festival, Italy, 2015
Pacific Coast International Short Film Featival, USA, 2015, Jury Prize
FIKE International Film Festival, Portugal, 2015, Best Actor Award