Khon Boys
Khon Boys
Thailand & Germany / 2023 / 116mins / Thai / English subtitles / World Premiere
The film contains violence scene.
Khon, Thai traditional dance drama performed solely in the royal court by men in masks, depicting the glory of Rama, the hero and incarnation of the god Vishnu, who brings order and justice to the world. Focusing on the lives of Khon students in their last years of study, the shooting of the film began at the time of the king’s succession, shortly after the great social awakening in Thailand. While the world is screaming for human rights, these students spent their six years under the rules of the military regime after the 2014 coup d’etat. On one hand being trained to glorify the monarchy and their national identity, on the other hand witnessing state violence and oppression against basic human values. Caught in between conserving the tradition and the currents of drastic social changes, these young boys grow up dreaming of a different future.

Not suitable for young persons and children

Package Information
Package includes one performance and three film screenings. Ticket Price HKD500.
1. Expanded Space: UNPACKED No. 1: Love
2. Body Archive: Contemporary Re-enactments in Asian Cities II Operation Wondering Souls
3. Khon Boys
4. Trixie